
Three Types of Insecurity and How To Overcome Them

Insecurity is a demon that does not discriminate. It clings to the rich and the poor, the beautiful and ugly,  the famous and forgotten all the same.

Everyone suffers from some type of insecurity whether big or small. No matter how high and mighty one may seem, there is certainly at least one area in their life that, they are not completely secure in. Actually,  insecurities to a certain degree are healthy. They remind us that we are imperfect mortals. Insecurity in a high dosage, however, can point to a bigger problem; a lack of identity and knowledge of just how magical you are.

Insecurity can manifest itself in three main forms.


We have all been blessed with different gifts and talents. These gifts and talents are freely given not so we can hold on to them, but so we may use them to make a lasting impact on people and the world. Before we can impact the world with our gifts though we have to overcome the voice in our head telling us that we’re not good enough, or that we will never amount to anything in life.

Growing up I was so insecure about my writing skills. Though I loved it, I thought I was the worst writer in the world. As the seed of insecurity grew, I became so convinced that my writing was so horrible that I just refused to pick up the pen altogether. I couldn’t even write two lines without a voice telling me, “That sucks. You should just quit.”

It got to a point where I became fed up with listening to that lying voice that I decided that I would write despite. I decided that if I loved writing and I really was the world’s worst writer as that voice kept telling me, the only way to get better was to write and put myself out there to receive feedback. As I did that, instead of getting torn for my writing, I found myself getting more praise than I ever thought I would.

The trick to overcoming this type of insecurity is to refuse to succumb to it. Take that scary first step towards maximizing your gift. Do what it takes to perfect it even if that means looking crazy in the beginning. What ever you do, do not let insecurity convince you to just sit on your gift and take it to the grave. .

What gifts may you be stifling because you think you are not good enough?


We are all created uniquely and handcrafted to perfection. God doesn’t make mistakes honey! Insecurity in our appearance can creep in when we take our eyes and ears off our uniqueness and start paying attention to the world’s fleeting standards of beauty.

When insecurity tries to speak to you, remind it that you are enough. Remind it that every inch of you was perfectly created just the way it is regardless of what anyone has to say about it. If the thing that is causing you to be insecure is something you can change (such as your weight, or your skin health) then take proactive steps to become better in that area.

If you cannot change it, then accept it. Stop wasting energy meditating on something that will never be. Instead, use that same energy to focus on all the great things about you that sets you apart and learn how to maximize those things!

Lastly, remember that what is for you will always be for you and you won’t have to go forcing or changing yourself to get it. You can still land your dream job, live your dream life, marry the man created for you, regardless of how you look.


This is one of the most dangerous types of insecurities. When we don’t know our worth we will always sell ourselves short to the first (and cheapest) bidder.

There was a season in my life where I was so insecure in the area of worth. I believed I was good looking but I didn’t think I was worthy to be loved or valued. That insecurity manifested a lot in my dating life. I would end up dating guys that I knew were no good for me and had little to no respect for me. I thought since I was so worthless, I should just be happy that someone was even willing to show me attention.

It took me a while to discover, but I finally realized that I was a Queen, worth more than diamonds and rubies… and so are you Sis. Queens know their worth. She knows that she is royalty and is WARRANTED a certain level of honor and respect, and she is not willing to lower her standards for anything or anyone.

I don’t care who you are, where you’re from, what you’ve been through in the past, or what you’ve done. I don’t care how many times your crown tilted or fell, choose today to pick it up and secure that crown because baby you are worthy!

Act like it. Speak like it. Think like it. Some days you won’t feel like it but fake it, til you make it. When you do, you will find the more you carry yourself as royalty, the more people will treat you like royalty, and the more people treat you like royalty, the more you’ll start to believe you are.

Insecurity will rob you of your gifts, money, time, joy, and your destiny if you let it. Don’t let it!

Kesha Dorisma

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